28 September 2020 08:16

              WHAT DOES LOVE MEAN. it is called eternal, liking all through all the time, giving no space to even iota of criticism,negativity, nor criticism, taking someone an as idol all the time, be attached in praises and emotions. When intending groom and bride meet, love each other and decide to marry, then where does come in the question of divorce, in particular WHEN THEY REALLY LOVE EACH OTHER. Looking to reality, maybe perhaps they do not love each other that much as they love to each other's status, behaviour etc. I think here lies the problem. In love, I think, we look to God, devis and devtas, Ram and Krishna, and never do we think of criticising them and never ever apply our logic, if both groom and bride think the same way of each other and live for each other in caring and sharing, consider pinch of one as equal or more pinch for the other one, never will ever come a bit of thinking, regrets   LOVE IS EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS WHICH ALL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE. If one is happy, emotions develop, and love flourishes, and if one is unhappy, irritant or remains in anger all the time, the emotions get subdued and in extremes, these vanish, and as such love also disappears. For example if one is happy in his married life and family, love will grow thicker and thicker and if one is unhappy because of set-backs in life like monetary loss, got deceived by nearest friends, moreso whom one loves the most called beloved, loss of health, family feuds etc. . the love vanishes and it turns into deception and gets more and more anti against all around. TO CREATE LOVE AND DEVELOP IN THE INTENDING SPOUSES TO MARRY, I HAVE SUGGESTED PRE-MARRIAGE EDUCATION AND GUIDANCE... SYLLABUS... which covers Definition of Marriage, Complexities of Marriage, Questions and Doubts, Possible answers to such questions and doubts, WHICH FORM OF MARRIAGE IS THE BEST AND WHY to cover explanations of each type of marriage, their merits and demerits and the last one, WHICH OF ALL SYSTEMS OF MARRIAGE SEEMS TO ME THE BEST, BASED ON MY OBSERVATIONS AND VISION. TKS   LOVE HAS NOW CHANGED TO LOOK, WORK STATUS, FAMILY STATUS AND THE BIGGEST CHANGE IS THAT NOW THE GIRL CHOOSES THE BOY RATHER THAN THE BOY AND/OR THE PARENTS. Eternal love is gone by or is fading, divorces are current, tolerance is gone. IF THE BOY HAS LEARNT TO ACCEPT THE GIRL AS SHE IS AND MOULDES HIMSELF TO GO ALONG EVEN IF HE HAS TO PART WITH HIS FAMILY, the life goes on and the love develops. SINCE LOVE HAS BECOME A CHOICE, choice continues changing and get replaced by past friendship, acquaintances, missed love, status grabbing, hidden desire to usurp properties etc. and even go along for some time, and then find reasons for divorce and consequential benefits etc. MONEY HAS BECOME PROMINENT, SEX AND MONEY PERHAPS HAVE TAKEN OVER LOVE. Despite all this, if they boy makes efforts to keep up and nourish love by acceptance the girl as she is, commits himself to understanding, communication, frankness, honest behaviour. caring and sharing and also does not indulge in adultery,and accepts his wife the prime most life partner for love, peace, progress, family and dreams, the life goes on and progresses in love unbreakable, for ever till the life, that is what is CALLED THE ETERNAL LOVE. LESSON. In changed circumstances, the boy has to make effort to keep up the love and develop it at all costs, shedding ego and criticism by relations and society. tks